Radiological Emergency Preparedness

The State of New Hampshire maintains comprehensive emergency plans to protect against and respond to incidents at Seabrook Station.

How Can We Help You Today?

Welcome to the Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

The Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management is charged with overseeing the state-level planning, preparation, response to, recovery from and mitigation of all emergencies and disasters. This includes natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and severe winter storms, and human-caused disasters, such as nuclear power plant accidents or chemical spills.

Vision Statement

Create a culture of high touch customer service in the area of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. Creating a self-sustaining environment through the utilization of efficient mentoring, planning, teamwork, technology.

Mission Statement

To support the mission of the New Hampshire Department of Safety through the effective delivery of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts for all hazards across the state of New Hampshire.